Finding Trucks Has Never Been Easier
Manage livestock loads
Post your loads, review freight quotes, follow progress by getting notifications, and even assign your own drivers. Organized in one place.
Or call us. We’ll do it for you.
Sign up now to post your loads and find trucks
Site registration is free!
Creating your profile takes only a minute
Posting loads to the live load board and getting bids is free!
Load notifications (pickup, delivery, Bill of Lading) are free!
Or Drop us a line and we’ll contact you to answer any questions
If you’d like to ask us any questions, call us any time
(307) 220 7800
Everyone Is always Notified
Every load managed by LTN brings together the customer, the dispatcher, the carrier, the shipping yard, the receiving yard, and the driver to the same page. Updating the load’s progress instantly notifies everybody at once!
Find Trucks Nationwide
Post on the live Load Board completely free. Our nationwide network of carriers receive immediate notifications about your load.
Posting is quick and Easy
Posting a load takes less than a minute, as seen in our how-to video. The work stops at that: when haulers bid, you get notified.
Use Your Favorite Haulers
If you like your haulers, run them even more efficiently by assigning loads to them. Instantly notify every stakeholder at critical times such as pickup, delivery, Bill of Lading signatures, equipment breakdowns, and more.
We’d Love to hear from you!
sign up now and Post your loads today!
Feel free to call us any time! (307) 220-7800
Learn more about LTN an by visiting and subscribing to our YouTube Channel!