We Simplify Livestock Hauling

From procurement through payment, LTN's unified software solutions and services accurately and securely serve as a single source of truth for the entire team.

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You'd be surprised who loves LTN the most. Whether you are new to dispatching or a seasoned veteran, you can quickly appreciate how LTN's automation saves you time and ensures accuracy.

Guarantee every load is completed correctly, streamline communication, save time, and maximize profitability for everyone at every step: producers, processors, dispatchers, truckers, vendors, feed lots, ranchers, buyers, shippers, receivers, invoicers and billers.

How is your time spent?

• How many loads have lost paperwork in the last month?

• How many hours of phone calls are spent making assignments and follow-up each day?

• How many phone calls do you make sharing load status updates?

Contact us today

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schedule a zoom meeting